January 18, 2024 I realize no explanation has yet been given about why the LovinTruckin YouTube channel stopped receiving new posts. Why did videos stop being uploaded with no tie-up, or an ending or a sense of closure? This is something I will be addressing soon on the YouTube channel — but — I cannot […]

Why I started with the website first and not YouTube

by | 01, 2024 | News Archives | 0 comments


January 18, 2024

I realize no explanation has yet been given about why the LovinTruckin YouTube channel stopped receiving new posts. Why did videos stop being uploaded with no tie-up, or an ending or a sense of closure? This is something I will be addressing soon on the YouTube channel — but — I cannot yet say exactly when. But soon.

Part of the issue is time.

Instead of going straight back into filming, editing and posting again on YouTube, I decided to build the website instead.

You see, there was originally a LovinTruckin website behind the channel where articles were posted, links to the videos etc.  That site was years in the making. In an attempt to move it from one server to another this last year, the databases were damaged and putting it all back together again wasn’t possible. And yes, it was a heartbreak.

The reason I opted to build the website and a private email list FIRST — was two-fold. 

I can more easily stay on top of sharing a weekly email with LT subscribers. Having this connection, while it isn’t video, is important to me. To stay in touch. To answer questions and share  ideas with you. Creating video, no matter how much I love it, is incredibly time-consuming. I often stayed up to get the videos edited and uploaded, which on top of a 14 hour work-day was a herculean effort. There were some crazy days! It’s not always obvious how much work goes into creating and keeping a YouTube channel going. And it’s definitely a labor of love. 

Secondly, I know I will start producing video content again — but I know I’m not quite ready. There are places I want to go with the channel now. It was basically a “grab the camera and shoot whatever’s happening” kind of diary about our entrance into trucking as a couple. I enjoyed that phase. And honestly had no idea where it was going LOL. Ultimately, I came to see that I wanted the channel to be more than just a “day in the life of…”  and didn’t get to take it to the next, deeper level I had hoped for a number of reasons that I will explain. That’s coming.

Trucking is a strange beast. When you’re out on the road doing the job  there’s an aspect of it that is like nothing else. You’re part of the world… but not. All along the way since I stopped uploading video — it may (or not) surprise you to know that I have continued to shoot video ever since, with the idea it would be edited and uploaded. It simply never was. That means there’s a lot to choose from when the next first video does come out. And…

…it’s worth adding that thinking about all the people who shared the YouTube adventure with us …has never been far from my mind.

In the meantime, there are things to talk about through this weekly connection! And I’m enjoying it! I hope you are too.

Much love,


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