In April of 2023, James and I took the leap into “CARNIVORE”!
Ohhhh noooo… we didn’t tiptoe into it by starting with low carb, Paleo or even Keto. We went head first into the deep end… carnivore. The PhD of food choices “Perfect Human Diet” = PhD. 🤩
What is carnivore you say? Well, it’s beef, bacon, butter and eggs.
I’ll be sharing more details, tips and links with you and info about why we went carnivore and what… our experience has been.
I can tell you one thing that happened within the last couple of weeks — and I’ll save the rest for the next edition of the LT News.
James had not had his eyes checked in a very long time
It had been over the 3 years since his eyes were checked that most optometrists recommend. And yes, he wears glasses — but only sometimes while driving because he isn’t required to do so, on his CDL. (like me)
Over the last couple of months he’s been complaining, saying things like, “Andrea my glasses are not working. I can’t see that sign right there (pointing to a sign within 100 yards of us) I need a new pair.”
So we started to scout out a place to get his eyes checked – which can be challenging when out on the road. It can be tough to get in on a moment’s notice… but we managed it.
When he got back from his appointment, we looked at his new prescription and discovered his left eye HAS IMPROVED!
His previous glasses weren’t working because they were too strong!
Now… I don’t know how often that happens. But — one of the “side-effects” that has been noted by many people when switching to the carnivore lifestyle, is better vision.
Was it switching to carnivore 9 months ago that changed his vision? Reasonably, I can only say that his vision has improved and that my friends, is only one of a long list of things I have to share with you on this topic.